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Euphoria14 said:
TheDarkTriforce said:

Sony should do something new instead of releasing old games again that I have played before on PS3!!! Greatness Await should be NothingNew Awaits ;) I don't want to play old games again, and I had not purchased a PlayStation 4 if I had known that I only get old games again with just better graphics!!! I will sell my PlayStation 4 and then I will purchase a Nintendo Wii U, at least there are coming new games!!!

You know Naughty Dog is currently working on an unnamed title as well as Uncharted 4 along with TLOU Remaster right?


What more do you want from this one studio? Three games at one time not enough for you?

Of course...let them become a studio that annually releases games, so people can then bitch about how Sony is milking ND, wouldn't that be awesome?


The Last of Us Remastered (PS4)
Sony Computer Entertainment America, Adventure
5 21,435 78,404

Damn ND, why do you not have those 20-30 (I really can't imagine it's more, if it's even that many)  people work on something else, don't you see that this is way to early and that nobody wants this.