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TheDarkTriforce said:
Euphoria14 said:

They must also not understand the point of Wind Waker HD, GTA V on PS4/XBone or GoTY Editions.

Actually I don't see anyone really complaining about those, but PS4 is winning right now, so TLoU warrants complaining, since it costs $50, just like WWHD and actually less than your typical GoTY Edition.

Just ignore those people.

It makes absolutly sense for Wind waker HD because the games was last released 10 years ago on the GameCube!!! But it makes no sence to remaster a game that was released last year on a platform which you can still purchase!!! Sony does that because they have no other games that they can release this fast to fill the summer hole, and this is shitty for those who already purchased the PS3 version, if these customers have known that the game will also release on the PlayStation 4 than I am sure these customers had wait for it before purchasing it for the PS3. It's just another stupid move from Sony to make fast money instead of releasing something new, and they should start developing more for the Vita, because now their acting like it doesen't exist!!!

I hope to see you bitch about every single GoTY edition from here on out.


Also how is this shitty for PS3 version owners? Do you own it? I do and I see no issues with PS4 owners having a taste. Not all PS4 owners had PS3's. I am sure you already knew that though.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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