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Sheesh, talk about poor analytical skills, and certainly a very poor conclusion at the end that Wii U could be a contender for the top selling console of the generation. Especially now that Wii U has dropped again this week. If Wii U stabilises at 50K per week that will be very good for Wii U. But it's not putting Wii U in contention for top selling console of the generation, not even close.

Comparing a multiplat new IP (TF) and a second tier franchise that only sold moderately well (and not very well with inFamous 2 truth be told) on PS3 is a poor basis for comparison.

I think, potentially for PS4 at least, Destiny may shift more consoles than MK8, and that's a multiplat.

It would be great for Wii U to eventually come up to 60-70K per week. But I can't see how the usual franchises are going to get it higher than that. And it would need to sell double that to be in contention for the gen 8 crown.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix