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Ninsect said:
KLXVER said:
mornelithe said:

Cow's would be interesting, especially in GT since it could potentially mean a road race, rather than a track race.  GT has some road races, but they're closed circuits built and barricaded like an F1 road race (Monaco for example).  Having wildlife randomly crossing roads in point to point races could actually be pretty cool.  The invisible wall is silly, don't stray into hyperbole, it adds nothing to your case.

Just saying that less can be better. Just look at the Wii. All that shovelware hurt Nintendo more than it helped them...

No, it didn't. It was part of its success. PS2 and PS1 had the same shovelware.

Having said that, shovelware isn't the same as indie. Now you're just going overboard mate.

Thankfully, you and some other indie haters are not in charge of the indie "boom" so I get to play them if I want to. I have the choice which you want to take away. Don't you see how selfish that is?


Shovelware was part of the Wiis success?lol


..and I dont hate indies. I do think most of them are overrated and I dont buy many of them. Im not trying to take anything away from you. If you love all indie games, then more power to you...