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i read all your facts and come to the opposite conclusion.

consoles now have the best bits of PCs in their ability to get game updates and the ps4 does it so elegantly through background updates. it also has game suspending for instant switching to other apps.

why should i fuck around with a PC and the constant updates and drivers. getting it to display correctly on a tv is always hard and i am pretty damn tec savy. keyboard and mouse is a terrible (especially in the ergo part) input.

and most importantly,.. developers piss on pc everyday. consoles get tons of AAA exclusives that will never come to pc. if they do come to pc they come with parity with consoles meaning your $20,000 rig is only as functional as my $400 ps4 other than resolution and framerate.

i used to game on pc and i really can't think of one reason i'd ever go back. ...well piracy but i'm not an asshole.