CGI-Quality said:
Um, yes, easily. Better comparison: < Be sure to compare 120fps to 60 as well. As I tell people, 120fps is where it's at, and can be, in most cases, distinguished from 60fps (albeit, not quite as easily as 30-to-60). 60-to-120 is still pretty noticeable, though, and it is one reason I'm more of a: "120fps or GTFO" kinda guy. |
I'm actually a little sad that in both links I passed a 30vs60 test. Just barely in the first picture in 20happyballs' post though, but it was noticable. It's bothersome because I won't have a choice in the console exclusives that I play. Couldn't test 120 because my monitors don't support it as far as I can tell.
4 ≈ One