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Xavier's powers are telepathy not telekinesis. Its jean gray that has both.

I personally did not like the movie very much. There were way too many convenient plot points. Why did they even really need to break Magneto out of jail? The whole thing about Xavier and beast having magical mutant cures was obviously for emotional beats and not because it makes any sense.

Quicksilver scene was decent but over hyped. Nowhere near as cool as nightcrawlers. I'm sick and tired of wolverine being the center of every damn X-men movie. And I also hate the mute characters that every X-men movie has to have where they show a bunch of mutants but give them next to no lines. I wish Josh Whedon would've directed the xmen films they would have been so much better. Whedon is actually a bigger x-men fan than an avengers fan. I would've loved to see what he could do.