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cannonballZ said:
Max King of the Wild sai

What I said was valid. Say you have system A with 10 exclusives with 90+ metacritic and System B and C share 100 games with 90+ metacritic that aren't on system A... Which is the better library when comparing A to B or C?

I believe the OP refers to exclusive titles for each individual console. You are saying that multiplats that aren't on Wii U are now considered exclusives because-  they are only on competing consoles?  

What I am saying is, the article is garbage, full of spin and the author completely misses the point. Take the first paragraph for example. "blah blah blah hottest topic exclusives blah blah blah." the author completely misses the point. The hottest topic is games. Pure and simple. Why do you think Titanfall and Mlb are mentioned as games to own a Xb1 or ps4 for? To only focus on exclusives is spin to fulfill an agenda. Reason why multiplats arent really focused on between ps4 and xb1 is because it is extremely redundant 

If, as the author seem to think, the most important metric that everyone seems to care about is exclusives then why does watchdogs, GTA, destiny,batman, ac and so many others receive so much attention?