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Atari 2600.

Combat - Tank battle game (had planes too).
Pac-Man - Awful version of the arcade game.
Asteroids - Not so awful version of the arcade game.  My uncles would play this for hours, breaking the scoreboard repeatedly.
Space Invaders - Didn't actually play this one much.
Oink! - Played this one a lot with my dad, building my brick house which he would huff, puff, and attempt to blow down.
Enduro - Pretty cool racing game with day/night/snow/fog effects.
Starmaster - Space combat simulator.  One of the coolest games ever for the 2600, this even used the difficulty switch as a game control to bring up the galaxy map
Warlords - Possibly the first 4-player simultaneous home video game?  4-way Pong with paddle controls and each player defending their own base.  Hours of fun with 4 people.

And yes... I had E.T. as well.