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Ucell said:
HyrulianScrolls said:
This list just proves my point that the PS4 is only selling so much better than Wii U because of smart marketing. If you look at software sales the PS4's supposed killer ips like Second Son and Shadow Fall haven't even sold as much as Super Mario 3D World. People aren't buying PS4 for the games. They're buying it because the marketing has made it seem way more appealing than it really is.

PS4 has got more games than just exclusives. You should check out there sales too.

Also the system has already sold over 21 million software units while Wii U has only sold 4 million more in spite of being on the market for much longer and having many more exclusives.

I agree the marketing for the PS4 was brilliant (that E4 and Xbone fiasco policies was half of it), but the actual diference between PS4 and the WiiU is the behaviour of the 3rd parties. At first they appeared to support the console, but at the last moment they ran away, leaving Nintendo with a severe drought the first year. Not many games, not many game sales. Now that the games are arriving the sales are growing quickly, both hardware and software.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

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