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Shadow1980 said:
jonathanalis said:
ouch. ps4 below 100k!

i remember ps3 last year never went below 100k in a week.

A better comparison would be the week ending June 16, 2007. The PS3 sold only 60k globally that week according to VGC. Here's a comparison of monthly sales of the PS4, PS3, 360, and XBO in the U.S. according to NPD:

The PS4 sold about 1,320,000 units for the first five months of the year, while the 360 sold 1,119,000 for the first five months of 2006. Meanwhile, the XBO pulled 903,000 for the first five months of the year; 63% of these were in February and March when the system got a boost from tax season and then Titanfall. It's also worth pointing out that the 360 was the only seventh-gen system on the market for a whole year, while the PS4 is having sales siphoned off by the XBO (and Wii U to a lesser extent). Furthermore, the 360 increasing from March to April is an anomaly. Sales usually drop from March to April, and the second quarter of the year as a whole is typically the weakest of the first three barring something that boosts sales like a major title or a price cut.

Now here's Europe (I had to extend through to the first September to get seven months since the PS3 didn't debut until March 2008 in Europe):

The PS4 is selling quite well in Europe. Maybe not quite Wii levels (the Wii pulled about 1,254,000 in the first five months of 2007 while the PS4 pulled about 1,072,000 in the same period this year), but still very well, significantly above PS3 levels. The XBO meanwhile has been doing considerably worse than the 360. If you remove the UK from the equation, the situation is even worse. In France and Germany, the XBO has been pulling Wii U-level numbers for much of the year, which does not bode well for its performance in these "Tier 2" European countries.

Thank you for your good analysis like always

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m