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shikamaru317 said:

I agree with you on this. By buying Crytek they'd get one of the best engines out there which could be used for most 1st party titles going forward, eliminating the cost of developing multiple proprietary engines or paying for licenses for 3rd party engines like Unreal. They'd also get some good staff which could be consolidated into multiple new 1st party developers combined with new staff from other 1st party studios or new hires. And the IP's Crytek owns seem to fit with the Xbox fanbase pretty well based on sales. As for Capcom, they'd get a major foothold in Japan, as well as a bigger foothold among western fans of Japanese games. Imagine what Monster Hunter and Resident Evil exclusivity could do for Microsoft in Japan?

Of course such purchases wouldn't be without risk, it would cost Microsoft alot to buy both companies, and if it backfired with developers leaving the companies to start new studios, it would leave Microsoft with a name and some IP licenses, and nobody to develop the games.

It woud do exactly jack squat for Microsoft in Japan. Outside of a very small following of loyal Japanese dudebros, reverse weeaboos, or whatever you want to call them, the Xbox brand is a non-starter in Japan. On the other hand, such a move would kill both Monster Hunter and Resident Evil in Japan. In the case of the former franchise, that franchise would be completely dead because MH's western audience is only a sliver of what the Japanese audience is, and I don't see the Japanese following Monster Hunter to a platform family they've repeatedly and pointedly rejected. Furthermore, Monster Hunter is primarily a portable franchise, not a console franchise, so unless Microsoft wants to try to build Windows Phone 8's reputation in Japan, forget it. Resident Evil might survive but at a fraction of the fanbase it had as a multiplat.