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spemanig said:
estebxx said:
1) yes more than likely its will be a limited PS4

2) only FREE TO PLAY games like Warframe, Warthunder, BalckLight Retribution and in the future Planetside 2 DON'T require PS + to play online, all other games that aren't free like No Mans Sky DO require PS + also i PS+ do basically pay for itself for the amount of free games and discounts that you get in a year but... well you don't seem like you want to even bother with it so...

3) if you are seriously only gonna buy it for Third Party games then STICK TO PC... i am a Console gamer because i prefer exclusives over better settings (FPS, Resolution etc) on third party games... i could name some great exclusives coming to PS4 that fit your singleplayer needs (that are also great games) like Bloodborne and Uncharted but you seem like the type of person who never even tries to see something from other perspectives, and will always deem some games (in this case PS exclusives) as bad games...

in conclusion DON'T BUY IT... buying a console solely for third party games and because the hardware is white seems to me very... pointless...

I don't want to build a PC, so that's out of the question. I'm bored of Uncharted, but I'm interested in Bloodborn. I can't find any gameplay, but if it truely is a faster Darksouls, I'm in. I've "tried" every game I don't like. I've played all three console Uncharted games. I don't "dislike" Sony exclusives, simply based off them being exclusives. Just like with any company, there are games I like, and games I don't like. I don't need PS exclusives. There are enough 3rd party multiplats to more than keep me satisfied. Stop making this a console war thing. You're being one of those people. I want good games. The PS4 will have good games. That should be enough.

here is some ALPHA or BETA trailer for Bloodborne that was never shown at TGS (and will never be shown because the game looks much better graphicly now, so there is no point in showing it now):

i am in no way making this a console war, i never implied that one console was superior to other or that some console had bad games i only said that it SEEMED to me that you (by the way you made it sound) didnt liked PS exclusives that is all... (and there is nothing wrong with that by the way, everyone has his/her own tastes in games) i only argumented that to me (in my opinion) it was pointless to buy a console solely for third party games.

and yes i know now that you like/ are interested in some PS exclusives so theres no need to clarify that again.