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Heroes of the Storm alpha patch will invite players from outside the US


A blog post by Blizzard has announced that the next major patch to their universe-colliding MOBA, Heroes of the Storm, will invite players from outside the US. The invite waves will be cast as far as Europe, Latin America, South East Asia, Australia and New Zealand. 

If you want to make sure you’re eligible to receive access, then read on as we’ve got you covered.

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Gearbox's digital bonus pack offers beta access to an "unannounced title"


Last year Gearbox Software offered the Digital Bonus Pack as part of their Community Day 2013: which was full of Borderlands 2 in-game goodies. This year they’ve brought it back for the price of a subscription to their Twitch stream. All the old digital items are still available, but there’s some interesting additions: free access to Homeworld Remastered and Homeworld Classic, as well as beta access to an “unannounced Gearbox Software title”.

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Ubisoft on DRM: "I don't want us in a position where we're punishing a paying player"


In an interview with GameSpot Ubisoft have voiced their opinion on the everlasting battle against piracy, DRM and their solutions. VP of digital publishing Chris Early admitted that “anything is going to be able to be pirated given enough time”, and that they want to focus on making a “great game” and delivering “good services”.

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Ding: World of Warcraft player hits level 90 on his neutral Pandaren


He’s done it: Doubleagent has hit level 90 on his Pandaren Shaman. This isn’t your normal player, as this Pandaren has still yet to choose a faction, resulting in him being neutral. Being stuck on his starter island, the only way he could level was via gathering: mining and herbalism.

After 4164 hours his goal is complete, but this isn’t the end as Doubleagent “intends to level to 100 come the next expansion”.

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EA admits incorrect PunkBuster bans on innocent Battlefield players


EA are investigating a series of unjustified PunkBuster bans on innocent players within their Battlefield games. It’s unclear how many players have been affected, but EA are working with their partners at Even Balance (developers of PunkBuster) to get the issue resolved as “quickly as possible”.

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League of Legends' Primetime Draven wants to axe you a question


Draven is fast becoming League of Legends’ Deadpool: a charmingly self-centered champion less likely to uphold the fourth wall than tip it on its side and use it as a coffee table. About a month ago, the LoL community went wild for voiceover lines leaked from a new commentator-ribbing Draven skin. This weekend, Primetime Draven went live.

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What on Earth: Microsoft say they're "continuing to support" Games for Windows Live


“We are committed to the safety of all insects,” says Microsoft’s mouth, while its left arm rhythmically smashes beetles with a rock. Just a week before a Games for Windows Live shutdown date that the company themselves inadvertently announced, as developers scramble to replace the online components of their games, Microsoft have pledged their ongoing support for the service.

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Visceral defend Battlefield Hardline multiplayer: "It's not just a re-skin"


Over the weekend, Steve and Matt did their best to have an argument about the Battlefield Hardline beta, but failed miserably - both were in agreement that the multiplayer modes on show were cynical rehashes of the established Battlefield formula. Hardline, it seems, wears its cops and robbers conceit like a groucho mask: ready to be tossed aside as soon as the party starts.

But maybe there’s more to it than we’ve seen to date. The single player campaign casts players as a dodgy Miami detective with access to a police scanner, which is new. And Visceral’s Thad Sesser says we’ll come to appreciate “fundamental changes” in multiplayer.

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Braben believes Elite: Dangerous' steep early access price was "the very best way to do it"


The price of a PC game used to be carved in biro by enthusiastic teenagers employed at brick-and-mortar games retailers. But early access has thrown pricing conventions into greater disarray than ever before. 

Developers can’t seem to decide whether to pitch low, to compensate players for the bugs they’ll have to put up with, or high, to sell players on the idea of being VIPs.

Frontier fell into the latter camp with Elite: Dangerous, asking premium beta players to ‘join the elite’ for £100. David Braben acknowledges the approach might seem “cruel and merciless” - but says he doesn’t know of a better way to keep beta numbers manageable.

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