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Intrinsic said:
Dark Chaos said:

Once Sony's gaming divison starts profiting I will agree. Until then we don't know for sure

You see, thats teh problem with what you have been saying. Sony's Game division "Playstation" is actually known t be its best performer. Consisntently. Even in 2011 when sony recorded a total $3B loss, its game divison that year made a profit of $400M+. And its always making a profit, with exception to last year which is normal cause its a transition year. Its really expensive jumpstarting a anew gen. Even in 2013 the playstation division made a profit. 

If your argument is if the playstation division is profitable? Then you will lose it heavily cause its generally more profitable than its not. And that is what makes this line of discussion irritating, cause the people that brings this up, unless really being obtuse, bring up sony's performance as a company in its entirety and use that to talk down its performcance as a console maker.

While I agree and still don't get why people consistently bring up the financial situation of Sony when discussing the PS4 outselling the XB1 I will never know. BUT I must point out the "playstation" division of Sony while performing good is not its best...if I am not mistaken it is like the 4th or 5th best(behind movies, music etc).

And the "profits" have nothing to do with the XB1 catching Sony this gen nor do they have anything to do with this thread. I agree with youI can't see any reason why it is brought up other than to move goal posts. 

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23