Is Valiant Hearts the most respectful war game ever made? This trailer makes its case
Back in the day, Medal of Honor’s developers fought to honour the real experiences of the ageing army consultants they’d come to admire, and it showed.
But if reality influenced an FPS equally indebted to Saving Private Ryan, it’s the bedrock of this puzzle adventure game from the makers of Rayman. At least, that’s how Ubisoft and a handful of historians tell it.
Oh, stop it: BBC Breakfast alert parents to use of "highly addictive" Minecraft in classrooms
The inexorable spread of MinecraftEdu continues. More than 3000 schools are now using TeacherGaming’s adapted block-rocking game in the classroom, and 200 of them are teaching children using Minecraft in the UK.
Evidently, some of their parents are journalists - BBC Breakfast broadcast a special report on the game’s use in a Barnsley school this morning. It was a bit frustrating, frankly.
Hit it: PlanetSide 2 hit detection problems encountered, fixed
You’ve got a sneaky Vanu soldier in your sights, and she hasn’t spotted you. You take a deep breath, look on either side of the ridge you’re perched on - just to make sure you’re alone - and then you fire, right at the Vanu’s skull. Nothing happens. She scarpers, and you’re left without a kill.
If this has happened to you, then you might have been a victim of dodgy hit detection. SOE’s John Smedley explained, on Reddit, that it may have affected up to 20 percent of players at one point or another. A fix is up on the public test server at the moment.
Get HDMI 4K@60Hz with Nvidia's new drivers, but there's a catch
A new workaround has cropped up in Nvidia’s latest drivers for Kepler GPUs that allows the cards to output to 4K TV displays at 4K@60Hz over HDMI 1.4. This is instead of the 4K@30Hz that they were limited to before because of the HDMI bandwidth availability.
What’s surprising about this is that it’s something that wasn’t expected to happen until HDMI 2.0, which is not featured in current cards. It’s not magic; it’s just that a compromise has been made, lowering the image quality.
Minecrafting: Getting Started with Feed The Beast
Feed the Beast is exactly what it sounds like, provided you’re aware that the beast in question is Mojang’s behemoth Minecraft, and the food that you are piling into it is mods. It’s a launcher that shovels in tweaks, rebuilds, and textures like burly men fuelling the furnaces of a great mechanical monstrosity that bursts and evolves with each additional scoop of coal.
For anyone shy of intermediate Minecraft expertise, it is potentially a little confusing and frightening too. Not only is it a new front end with lots of buttons to deal with, but it also changes the way Minecraft can function in a manner you probably haven’t even considered to fantasise yet. Portal guns, self-automated production lines, alternate dimensions, and beekeeping await you within Feed the Beast. But before all that, you need to get started.
Dead Rising 3 crawls out of the dirt on September 5th with no framerate cap
Dead Rising 3’s PC announcement at E3 wasn’t completely out of the blue. I mean, we knew it was going to happen. Its older siblings managed to escape from the 360, so it didn’t seem outside the realms of possibility that the third iteration of the madcap zombie caper would become unshackled from Xbox One exclusivity.
But it was a good not-a-surprise. It looks like the same sort of loopy fun one expects from the series that lets you dress up as Daisy Duke spliced with Groucho Marx and wield double-bladed chainsaws. And now we have a release date: September 5th.
DayZ was part of the Steam Summer Sale and Dean Hall doesn't know why
Dean Hall has made it clear, time and time again, that DayZ is not in a state for regular folk to buy. It’s a bit of a mess, as many Early Access titles, especially ones this ambitious, are wont to be.
“We strongly advise you not to buy and play the game at this stage unless you clearly understand what Early Access means and are interested in participating in the ongoing development cycle,” warns the store page on Steam.
Yet DayZ, along with Divinity: Original Sin, yesterday, and Prison Architect and Plague Inc. Evolved, today, were all featured in the Steam Summer Sale. None of them are finished products.
Here are all the new cards coming to Hearthstone: Curse of Naxxramas
Summer is quickly approaching and with it the first expansion to Blizzard’s online collectible card game, Hearthstone. Curse of Naxxramas will add over 30 new cards to the game as well as introduce raids as players venture into the depths of Naxxramas. The raid itself will feature five wings - with the first being free, and the rest requiring gold or real money - which will unlock progressively over the course of five weeks.
We’ve done some detective work and rounded up all of the spoiled cards to date - fourteen out of the thirty total - so you can start planning your future decks today.
Queue Dodge: Riot paying new hires 10 percent of their annual salary to quit
A decade ago, I quit my job as an Assistant Manager at Blockbuster (who?) and jumped into a marketing job at the recommendation of my girlfriend at the time. It was one of the worst job moves I ever made. I got more money, but the job was soul-sucking, the atmosphere was unfriendly and there were none of the perks that I enjoyed at the previous job. But I stayed, because I needed the money. My work suffered, of course.
If I’d been working for Riot, things would have been very different - beyond the obvious stuff, of course. The League of Legends developer has initiated a new scheme called the “Queue Dodge,” where new hires are offered money to quit. Riot says this is a reinforcement of its culture.
Battlefield 4: Dragon's Teeth adds a floating restaurant and a vanishing lake
Battlefield 4’s upcoming expansion, Dragon’s Teeth, has nothing to do with the Argonautica. There will be no soldiers sprouting from canines or hunts for golden fleeces. Knowing this, as I do, makes me extremely sad.
It will, however, feature gunfights on a floating island and the ability to drain a lake. That makes the lack of Greek mythology easier to stomach.
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