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^ I couldn't sleep either when I was in my mid twenties. Drove me nuts, laying awake till 6 am and finally fall asleep an hour before the alarm goes off. I started abusing it, play Everquest all night and pulling frequent all nighters at work until my doctor told me to stay away from work for a while. (After I described things like being awake while not being able to move, aka body is asleep while your mind is still going, freaky stuff)

Without work I tried out a 30 hour day routine for a couple weeks. Stay up 24 hours, sleep 6, turn 5 days into 4. That seemed to suit my natural rythm, yet useless when you need to go back to work.

Since I lived in Amsterdam the solution was easy in the end, smoke pot at 10-11pm, fall asleep a bit after 1am. It also made movies a lot more interesting, doesn't help you remember them though.

Nowadays I have to fight to keep my eyes open if a movie isn't entertaining enough. I guess I'm paying back for all the sleep I missed. Although it's mostly having young kids that keeps me tired.