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mesoteto said:


For those of you who know me and those that don't, I want to make my intent clear; I wish to become a Moderator on what is quickly becoming one of my favorite sites.

 I really want to insert some clever little captioned picture here but I will resist so everyone can see I am taking this serious.

 When I first came to this site I was a brash and uncaring Nintendo fan boy, I am not ashamed to admit this. In fact I don't think anyone should be ashamed to admit they are willing to fight for a cause. However, as I have been posting, reading, updating, growing and, yes sometimes (perhaps) trolling; I have come to really love this site and all of the members here. Every day at work I keep a tab opened to Vg to find the latest numbers posted and who is posting what.

I believe that I can do this I know I can do this job. I have been gaming for over 15 years now. I currently own numerous system and two of the current big three. Every night I spend at least 2 hours gaming and everyday I spend at least 9 hours on VG and other related sites.

If I am elected I make this promise to be fair and equal.

I will try never to abuse my power, and will strive to correct my mistakes. I wish I could claim to never make them and I wish I would, but I am humane.

I promise I will dig to the bottom of the pile so I can know the whole issue and judge accordingly.

I promise to hand out warnings before the ban.

I promise to leave reasons.

 I promise to answers pm.

As I type this I realize that this might sound like I don't think things are being done right, that is not the case. I think the mods on this site do a great job. From Ssj12 to FishyJoe I feel all the mods do their job, and I would like to be counted among your ranks.

I hope this thread will get some notice amongst the members and the moderators. I am asking for a show of support so that when ioi next asks for mods my name will be remembered and added. Thank you and god bless

I support you mesoteto you should be a mod.