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Max King of the Wild said:

You are ridiculous and over sensitive. Jews is associated with Hollocaust so lets not say that anymore. Gay is associated with AIDs epidemic so lets not say that anymore. Rwanda is associated with Genocide so lets not say that anymore along with Serbs.

Also, ******. No one is going to get offended by you saying nigger or redskin. Its a damn word and we have had threads talking about nigger here before. The only time it becomes an issue is when it is used in this way, "you are a *****." So to use astriks for ******* when you are talking about the name ******* makes you seem self rightgeous and pompus

"It's just a word."

Tell it to this guy please:

That's probably the word he heard as he was getting whipped. But remember it's "just a word."

Red***** is offensive and should be banned. It's not about being politically correct, but about doing the right thing. Words DEHUMANIZE people, which makes it OK to discriminate against them. That "just a word" was used to make blacks seem "less than human," which means it's OK to enslave them. After all, they aren't human - well, in the antebellum era they were what, 1/3rd of a human right?

Just like with Native AMericans. Words like "Red****" and "Savage" are meant to dehumanize them. So it's OK that they went from 40 million people to only a few million. After all, they' aren't human right?