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The grand Budapest hotel, 9/10, awesome.

An explosion of detail in a wonderfully crafted world. Great use of aspect ratios to signify the time periods. Most of the movie is shot in 4:3 and it's all framed perfectly. The sets are masterfully crafted to fit the aspect ratio and his unique film style. Several film styles actually, model work and stop motion make their appearance as well, mostly during the cartoon style action sequences. Awesome color, great editing. All centered around a fun story with great dialogue which had me laughing out loud a bunch of times.

I need to watch it again asap, there is so much to see. Love all the characters, great cast. The extras delivered as well, from the recipe to make the pastries, to stills of the props and the complete newspaper articles, to a tour of the town with the abandoned department store that was transformed into the hotel.

I think this is his best movie yet, topping Moonrise kingdom.