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This whole situation seems to have become very delusional, even by Nintendo fan standards... It is highly unlikely that Nintendo would look to own Capcom. Like others have pointed out they are more profitable as 3rd parties rather than 1st parties. Why do people even feel that Nin & Capcom would even have a great relationship? Mega Man being in SSB? The fact they own a few IPs that are NES classics? That is not enough to justify a company buying another. I understand Nintendo has shown interest in buying other companies lately but have they actually bought a large company like Capcom before? No.. would they? Probably not. Plus they do not have the money to buy them out. The last thing Nintendo needs to do is buy a company when their home console is struggling to outsell 7 month old competition. Yeah, they have billions in the bank, but they arent going to use it. Nintendo is smart enough to know not to take a gamble like this. Not to mention buying a company takes more time than going to a grocery store and buying food. It can take months and even years to get through.. Even if they did buy them nothing would change till probably late 2015-2016ish. Which would not be beneficial for the current Wii U position right now :P at most... I could see them buying off a couple IPs like Mega Man, I dont know if they'd sell off their IPs like that though. At the moment Capcom is just open to being bought, they arent going to be bought by anyone right now. More than likely whoever buys them will be a 3rd party publisher.