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Our wishlist: (I'll add people's wishes here!)

- Extensive Single Player Campaign including bosses (I know a single player mode has been confirmed, but this doesn't mean that it's going to be grand)

- Customisation options (Including being able to customise your Inkling and team colour, possibly offline only)

- More different weapons (So far we have the standard ink gun, the paint roller, the bazooka, grenades, and the sniper rifle confirmed)

- Good online, including tournaments

- Free DLC including maps etc. to keep the game alive for a longer time

- NO Pay to Win elements

- Powerups of some sort other than weapons 

- A Mario blooper cameo or costume

- Map making (This one is a big stretch, I don't really expect to see this)

- Multiple Game Modes (Including Capture the Flag)

- Squidify your Miis!

- Clans and clan leaderboards

Nintendo to do a good job at the specifics

- First person mode

- Dual-wielding

- Blacklight/Glow in the Dark-themed levels

- Multiplayer Lobbies

- Achievements

-VOICE CHAT!!!!!!!

- Explicit squid porn

- Brand NEW modes 

- Story Mode

- More xVx options (6v6/8v8)

Tell me your wishes, and maybe they'll come true! ;)