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super_etecoon said:
coolestguyever said:
Isn't Ninty making 1.8 million consoles per month? if I'm right that would mean from April-December they will make 16.2 Million consoles.

Add the current 23.06 million to 16.2 million and you get 39.26 million which is the maximum assuming the wii sells every single console it makes (which I doubt).

So unless they increase production your 40+ million predictions are literally/mathematically impossible.

I say the wii ends up with about 32-26 Million end of year.

You don't think they're going to increase production?

Let me play devil's advocate.  Here are Japan's Wii sales. 

Still trending down for the year, and with the Japanese economy being as it is, why would a cautious Japanese company want to raise production levels?

Alright, that's all I got for that side.

Other looks to be starting to go again.  And America runs out of product every other week or so. The possibility of new markets (Korea, China?), still have the kids and the faithful fans.  Adding to that the soccer mom's for WiiFit, other young females (Cooking Mama, Animal Crossing) and how many retirement homes are there in the world anyway?

 They will raise production.  But as always, by just a bit more, like the other bumps in production, which were about 20-25% a piece as I recall.

*grins* at TWRoO  "no way they would increase it now and decrease it later this year."    What don't you think that they like to have shortages just around the holidays?  Perhaps not.


Torturing the numbers.  Hear them scream.