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This Risen 3 trailer does nothing to take the fear out of animal skulls


You could make a compelling argument that Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag did everything you’d ever ask of a proper pirate RPG. Perhaps conceding that - and the fact that wishy-washy swashbuckler Risen 2 was a bit bum - Piranha Bytes have returned to high fantasy rather than the high seas for their third post-Gothic classic RPG.

Risen 3: Titan Lords is nearly finished! And we hardly know anything about it. Perhaps this E3 trailer will remedy that.

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GOG Summer Sale kicks off with daily bundles and flash sales


It’s summer. I know this, because the rain battering my window right now is accompanies by muggy heat and storm clouds. Summer in Scotland is a grand thing. Another indicator of the season is the GOG Summer Sale, which has kicked off today. 

Until June 30th, 700 games have been discounted, along with hourly flash sales and daily bundles. Of note right now is the excellent Hotline Miami, which is 80 percent off and recently released Sir, You Are Being Hunted, which is also 75 percent off. 

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One strike and you're out: Counter Strike weapon skin removed due to copyright infringement


Quick and decisive are not words recently associated with Valve given the recent seepage of questionable greenlit and Early Access games rife with dishonest advertising and even copyright infringement. Air Control, for instance, is still being sold on Steam despite numerous complaints and media attention revealing how customers have been misinformed and assets have been taken from others without permission. 

But a very different Valve reacted to copyright infringement in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Valve was sent a DMCA takedown notice in regards to two community created weapon skins, the M4A4 Howl and a sticker, and action was swift and punishments were strict. 

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Landmark's Player Studio: "Players are better with our tools than we’ll ever be"


Player Studio just makes sense in Landmark. A game about creation and sharing is the perfect place for a marketplace for user-created items. And it’s integral to SOE’s free-to-play model, their take on which is one of the best in the business, never punishing players who don’t want to spend a penny, but offering them plenty of incentives to part with cash. 

We had a chat with Landmark designer David Georgeson about the anticipated impact of Player Studio, and how it - along with player feedback and experimentation - has informed Landmark’s development timeline. 

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Massacre folk across six new maps and two new modes in Hazard Ops' beta update


Downright bonkers multiplayer shooter, Hazard Ops, has been in closed beta for a fortnight, and has just received its first major content update. Charmingly, it’s been named “Massacre”. 

Six new maps have been added to the list, along with two new PvP modes. If you’re not in the beta, and that’s keeping you up at night as you soak your pillow in tears, then you’ll be pleased to hear that Infernum is sending out more keys. You can still sign up here, too. 

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Prince of Persia and Beyond Good & Evil: “We are not going to stop those properties”


There was a hole in Ubisoft’s E3 conference this year, one that could only be filled with an Arabic prince or an adventurous reporter. E3 has come to an end, and that hole remains. While Ubisoft showed, with Rainbow Six: The Siege, that it has still has the power to surprise, it remains - as it has for a while - tight-lipped in regards to Prince of Persia and Beyond Good & Evil.

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Alien: Isolation was on fire at E3


Aliens, specifically xenomorphs, don’t like fire. So it’s probably convenient that you’ll be able to grab a flamethrowers and whisky-based molotovs and drown the dark corridors of Alien: Isolation in fire so you can make your mistake when faced with the late H.R. Giger’s slimy baby - amid sobs, of course. 

Steel yourself and take a look at the screenshots from Alien: Isolation’s E3 outing. 

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Why Microsoft ignores PC at E3: Phil Spencer dispenses his unique brand of wisdom


Did you catch Microsoft’s conference on the first day of E3? You may have not known it if you did, because Microsoft called it the Xbox conference, and the Xbox One was the only thing they talked about. 

Sure, they showed off games coming to PC, but they did this while acting like they were Xbox One exclusives. Our platform has always got the short shrift at E3, but Microsoft’s Phil Spencer is here to tell us why. 

E3 isn’t the right place for PC games. 

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