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Torillian said:
Fishy isn't even drawing Leo's thoughts, he has no idea what Leo thinks will happen after 08 and he even drew the predictions incorrectly for what happens by the end of 08. So in essence he just drew a funny picture to try and belittle someone's predictions by skewing them in a comical fashion.

Sorry....Fishy didn't draw that. I'm not sure if it came from SDF or a VGChartz response to an analyst (can't recall which firm). It's one of those: you had to be there, things. It is essentially the graph form of "Wii is teh fad."

The best thing we all can do is to discontinue quoting that graph in this thread. Unfortunately it has turned into a yelling match against Leo-J...mostly because he responds to friendly rib poking by threatening to report someone or call them trolls.

Leo-J....for future reference; just ignore the obvious taunts. You....and your threads.....will thank me.