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FJ-Warez said:
leo-j said:
FJ-Warez said:
leo-j said:
FishyJoe said:

I see now your cherrpicking quite nice, thank you for a mod you sure like to troll.

How is this trolling???

He is only drawing your thoughts... and yes, we want a minimun of 40 millins to the end of the year... and so far you haven't made a reasonable statement for the defense of your "33 millions" prediction...

I already edited by post and stated why I beleived the wii would make 33 million by this years end, also it is trolling in the sense that he is trying to change the topic into a "Sony fanboy sayz wiiz da losez PS3'sersz wins", I have not stated anything about the ps3 nor 360, and he is trying to turn this topic against me.


Mmmm, nop,YOU turned this topic against you, you have very pesimist prediction for the Wii, and without given any back up(for your prediction) you aks for back up of the other people predictions...

Again you put the Wii to the 360 levels (So far is outselling both, but somehow is going to sell less than the PS3, without any back up) ... what is more likely, the Wii having another good year, or the Wii having a very bad H2 of 08?

And yes, you are suporting the PS3 with you prediction...

That is not trolling...

Read again, dude Im not going to argue with you any longer if you dont understand what I am saying in this topic than dont post at all.


