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Grey Acumen said:
Okay, here's my view on the matter:

There are three problems with how we observe the universe we exist in, namely, we have to use light to see, our methods of evaluation can ultimately only be done on a comparative scale, and our methods of observation must be done with time as a unidirectional vector.

If we see a house next to us, we'd say the house is big, but if you put it next to the empire state building, we'd say its small. Even if we use measurements, like "this building is 10 stories tall" the increments of measurement are entirely arbitrary.

As for the light issue, we cannot observe the location and velocity of a photon at the same time, because we use light in order to see. The only way we can tell where a photon is would be by hitting it with another photon so we could see the results, but the moment one photon would hit another, we would change it's velocity.

Then finally, the issue of time. Our lifespan is limited, and during it we can only observe the barest glimmer of a fraction of a percent of how the universe operates. We don't have save points to go back to that exact circumstance and check what other possibilities could have happened instead of what did. We can develop similar situations and see how they unfold, but ultimately it is impossible to create the exact same circumstances.

When we die, those limitations to our observation become null and void. Because we no longer have a physical manifestation within the universe, we no longer influence the universe by observing it. Thus we can learn completely unhindered and gain knowledge that would be impossible while still alive, which will let us come closer to the ultimate truth of the universe. (come closer to God, however with God being infinite, there will always be something more to achieve in the effort to come closer to it)

However, there are important lessons that we must learn from being alive. If someone told you that 2 + 2 = 4, without you ever seeing the physical process of 2 + 2 and then seeing them both together so that you could see 4, it would have no real meaning to you, and your ability to conceptualize it would be hindered.

That is why we need to continue to live as long as possible, even though dying ultimately will allow us to learn far more than we could alive. Unless we develop a strong foundation during our life, we'll be handicapped when we die. At the same time though, death is not something that we need to fear, as long as we used our life effectively.

However, when I say "learning" I don't just mean scientifically. There are also matters of Right and Wrong, Existence of God and of ourselves, Love, Sorrow, Hatred, All emotions, Creation and Destruction, Peace and War, Balance and Discord, Growth and Stagnation, Logic and Faith.
If during life, we haven't come to understand these issues properly, it will cause problems after death. It is from this that I feel the concepts of Heaven and Hell stem: If you have learned properly, you will be able to recognize the truth of what you learn after you die, and it will be a heavenly place to you, but if everything you had learned during life is wrong, and you are not able to accept that you are wrong and make the effort to learn what is right (repentance) before death, then everything you learn after death will conflict and you will be stuck unable to learn anything. Which will essentially be an eternity of torture.
I had posted this in the what happens when we die thread, but figured I'd repost it here since I've yet to post in this thread and this one is applicable in both questions.

Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

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