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mysteryman said:
GhetooBillGates said:
Nintendo did not have enough content, even exclusive wise to compete with Microsoft and Nintendo a 20 minute direct you gotta to be kidding me, MS had a 1 hour and 30 minute show Sony could have had a 3 hour show, they left out at least 13 announced exclusives and saved them for show floor. Nintendo regurgitated same thing they showed at last years E3 direct. Zelda U was the only thing that holded that thing together a complete bore fest it trully was up until that was shown, but i can see the show was directed at Nintendo fans and aslong as you guys enjoyed thats good. But to call it a win is pretty ridiculous, content and games, new ips win E3 this was basically a broke mans conference.

I get the feeling you didn't actually watch it.

You mean the video where they talked about little plastic toys for 50% (at least) of the time? 

People hold Nintendo and Sony/MS to different standards and this thread is proof of that.