JEMC said: So GTA V will now launch to PC along with a current gen version so the modders can't launch an iEnhancer Mod to make it really shine? Poor Rockstar, they will still find ways to improve it. Also, am I the only one who though "more of the same" with the next Assassin's Creed? Yes, it looks better, but there was nothing new to it. |
Or you know so they could work on improvements for their engine and higher quality assets across the board for all three platforms at once. It would have been a shame to release a port of the PS360 version only to release a version with much higher quality assets and effects a few months later.
As for Assassin's the crowed tech looks better than ever and they have 4 player campaign co-op now. So there is some new twists, but much licke CoD I don't think they want to rock the ship too much with major changes to the core gameplay loop. Not while the franchise is still so popular anyway. If it's not broke, don't fix it as they say. But what do I know I never even finished 2.
Serious-face Sam: Croteam are making a first-person puzzle game called The Talos Principle
CommentSam might have kept a straight face while he disassembled those bomb-handed baddies, but his makers at Croteam have remained resolutely silly throughout their 20-year history.
Until now, it seems. The Talos Principle is a first-person game about solving increasingly tricky puzzles woven into, and I quote, a metaphysical parable about intelligence and meaning in an inevitably doomed world.
State of Decay and Fable are selling for pennies in Green Man Gaming's Microsoft sale
Comments1You wouldn’t know it to watch their E3 thingummy last night, but Microsoft are starting to take PC games seriously again. Just last week Phil Spencer talked about upping the company’s “gaming presence on Windows”. And in the last year, they’ve quietly been releasing updated versions of the best games in Microsoft’s RTS archives: Rise of Nations, Age of Mythology, and Age of Empires II.
Perhaps in recognition of those fledgling efforts, Green Man Gaming have made Microsoft their publisher of the day. Fable’s going cheap, alongside State of Decay and the Age Of games. And you can make a few pennies playing them too.
No Man's Sky trailer introduces a frontier filled with three-storey dinosaurs and X-Wings
Comments5No Man’s Sky is what happens if you take the median colour scheme of every E3 game - black, blue, and charcoal - and invert it in Microsoft Paint. Thousands attempted to adjust their displays when it was trailered at the Sony conference last night, drowning press and punters alike in a technicolour wash of dandelion yellows, pomegranate reds and orange, er, oranges.
There's a bit at 1:10 in the new Batman: Arkham Knight trailer that'll make you do a glee-laugh
Comments2If you’re playing Watch Dogs, you might have had your fill of playing Batman by the time Arkham Knight rolls around in 2015.
But Rocksteady have done a good job of distinguishing their latest from every other growly-voiced vigilante sim currently out there. Starting with a side-strafing tank. It all gets a bit Titanfall, frankly.
Yager-bomb - Spec Ops: The Line devs play dambusters with Dreadnought
Comments2BOOM. Another Yager announcement drops, the timpani in E3’s overture. First came Dead Island 2, the unexpected do-over of Techland’s action RPG by the handwringy chaps behind Spec Ops: The Line. And now this: a futuristic dogfighting game named Dreadnought.
Hands-on with Alien: Isolation — it's got guns and human enemies now
Comments2What is a scare? You may as well ask what a fright is. Scientists have been puzzling over what a fright is for hundreds of years, but the best answer we have is that we simply don't know. The dozens of scare glands scattered throughout our terrorised bodies remain an elusive mystery to us. What are they for? Why do they startle us so?
And what exactly is it about aliens in dark and abandoned space stations that triggers these glands to spunk out their juicy fear-enzymes? Science may never understand, but Alien: Isolation is a thorough and provably effective exploration of the theme of arrghh.
In my latest playthrough of Sega's first person survival horror game — and following the earlier reveal of the single, independent, AI-driven xenomorph terror — I got to see some more enemies and shoot a few guns.
But can human enemies be as frightening as the alien? After all, if you stop and think about it, humans are just alien aliens, right?
How Far Cry 4's co-op works
CommentThere’s been an encouraging trend towards games for between two and four players at E3 so far this year, particularly at the Ubisoft booth. To The Division’s squad survival antics and Assassin’s Creed: Unity’s murder with mates add Far Cry 4, which features a drop-in co-op mode.
It works thusly.
Ubisoft scrapped Rainbow Six: Patriots so they could "lead with multiplayer"
Comments1Rainbow Six: Siege is actually the second time the tangos ‘n’ tactics series has been rebooted in the last half a decade. The first time it was Rainbow Six: Patriots - a heavily narrative-driven affair which drew from anti-Wall Street feeling and domestic terrorism.
But Ubisoft Montreal’s paymasters canned Patriots before it ever saw an E3. Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot says that’s because they wanted to take a nearly opposite approach.
Habitat will hit Steam Early Access in July with a weaponised Statue of Liberty
CommentIt’s a good thing that humanity is filthy and just dumps its rubbish everywhere, because one day, we might need all the debris orbiting Earth to make new habitats out of. There are bound to be floating lavatories and all those essentially just flying around out there, waiting for someone to put them to good use.
Habitat predicts that using this space junk to build life-sustaining homes will be pretty tough though. The physics-based orbital builder makes construction look just as messy as the floating garbage. You’ll be able to find out quite how messy next month, when it hits Steam Early Access.
Dark Souls 2 DLC will have a challenge route for the masochists among you
Comments2Last week From Software revealed that they were working on The Lost Crowns trilogy, a three pack of DLCs to expand Dark Souls 2. The first release, Crown of the Sunken King, which is due out on 27 July, has had a few details shed on it by global producer Atsuo Yoshimura.
Magic: Duels of the Planeswalkers 2015 gets a bit metal
CommentIt must be rather challenging to create a trailer for a digital card game. Wizards of the Coast have had a go, anyway, putting together a video for Magic 2015.
Wizards decided to go down the heavy metal route, and that’s probably not a bad idea given the genre’s magical proclivities.
Naughty Dog co-founder and ex-THQ president Jason Rubin joins Oculus VR
Comments2Palmer Luckey and Co really are building a super team over at Oculus VR. Soon, there won’t be anyone left for them to hire. It’ll get to the point where they’ll end up just picking people up off the street, bundling them into black vans and then putting them to work.
Oculus VR’s latest hire is Jason Rubin, co-founder of Naughty Dog and THQ’s last president before the publisher went bankrupt. Rubin’s new position is as head of worldwide studios, leading the company’s first-party content initiatives.
Doom to be revealed at QuakeCon; expect an unholy union of metal and flesh
CommentIt can’t have been a decade since Doom 3, but it has been. That’s a long time to go without fighting off the legions of hell with a BFG. But it’s back. You might already be waiting for the beta after pre-ordering Wolfenstein: The New Order.
For the time being we’ll have to be sated by this teaser trailer, but next month will see its proper reveal at QuakeCon 2014.
Alien: Isolation gets Oculus Rift support; it's like having a facehugger on you while you play
Comments1Scary androids are almost as scary as scary xenomorphs. This is what the Alien: Isolation E3 trailer has taught me. The lifeless eyes and not-quite-human, expressionless face. Awful stuff.
Creative Assembly’s put together a few clips of Amanda Ripley freaking out, breathing heavily and exploring the station she’s stuck on with the xenomorph, androids and men with guns.
I’m sure that the recently revealed Oculus Rift support is going to make it a relaxing adventure.
Fatal Mortal Kombat X trailer is heart-stopping
Comments1Mortal Kombat X’s cinematic trailer was a flashy, but ultimately disappointing brawl between mainstays Sub Zero and Scorpion. There was also some god awful music that was entirely out of place. Not a great first impression.
Not to worry! During Sony’s conference last night, Warner Bros and NetherRealm showed off two brawls and a slew of fatalities. Direct your eyes towards the grisly battles below.
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