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I was following twitter closely during both conferences and the hype of announcements was higher (very much so) during sony's E3.  The two threads we have here (rate sony and rate microsoft) it seems sony is getting better/more consistent ratings.  Yet, all we get is "what sony did wrong" etc etc threads. Pretty funny.

I think both were an 8. But if I had to choose, I like Uncharted more than Halo. So sony would get an 8.00001.  But all the sony hate is ridicoulous. Not to mention if they hadn't talked about TV it would have been an EASY WIN. Game for game, Sony. Everybody says Microsoft but they do not list the games. Again, Funny. Not to mention PS4 will countinue to outsell Xbox One and the consumers choose who win with their purses and they have chosen.

Who cares if forum gamers think so negatively about either side? SALES is the SOLE determinant of who won. Let see who sells the most in the next few months.