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S.T.A.G.E. said:
Ka-pi96 said:
Alot of the 'lies' you say Microsoft have said other companies have done as well. The Xbox One changes should also be commended rather than criticised as they were fixing their mistakes and it would have been much worse if they had stuck to how they originally planned to do things.

MS did lie to all of us and they didnt change their ways to be nice. It was because Sony was beating them.

What you just said is how competition works.  Sony did not change their ways until they were getting beat by MS and Nintendo.  As always you have this warm and fuzzy feeling about Sony when they make changes or do good but never seem to recognize that competition made Sony change.  

Really, why anyone would love any large corporation always escapes me.  You should never trust any of these companies as they all have a pass where they were on top they tried to stifle competition.  Its what corporations do and just because a company is on the bottom trying to gain consumers trust because they have no choice doesn't mean they should be trusted anymore than the company on Topic throwing their weight around.