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You can't let digital games win out. You simply can't. The reason? Price control. See, Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo all want you to buy their games on their shops. Why? Because 100% of that £50/$60 goes straight to them.

Surely, then, considering a. They get 100% of the money b. the games have no resale ability c.You get no case and disc .... then digital games should be much cheaper.
But if anything, they're much more expensive! Games which are still £49.99 on PSN, for example, can be found for £20 on Amazon, often even £30-40 at High Street retailers after just a few months.
Think about release day. I got Mario Kart 8 for £39.99 on on release day. On the same day, it was £49.99 on Wii U eShop.
We musn't let digital games win out, or we all (literally) pay the price.

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