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Experimental42 said:

Nintendo has already gotten the hang of HD gaming, that's why they have the absolute best looking games on any console right now. Running as 720 and 60 fps makes a game look better than 1080p and 30 fps. They also don't need to churn out subpar garbage either, they're doing a good job of building a solid library.
It only took a few good games to turn their fortunes around with the Game Boy, DS, and 3DS. You don't think MK8, Bayonetta, 2 types of Zelda games, Metroid, and possibly the biggest new JRPG constitutes a few good games?


As for the best lineup, lets compare 2014 and then a little of 2015.

2014: Bayonetta 2, X, Hyrule Warriors, and Smash.

That's a good spread. One killer app franchise, one  very hyped JRPG (possibly the first system mover for the Japanese market), the first new Zelda related game in a while, and a third party exclusive that has a cult following.

2015: Zelda U, Retro's Metroid, possibly a new IP from Miyamoto(?)

So Zelda U has been a big thing people have been clamoring for, and Metroid is believed to be back in Retro's hands, and a new Nintendo IP would adress a major complaint everyone has about Nintendo not creating new franchises.


What's more, the timing of these titles couldn't be more perfect, being in the wake Mario Kart 8's elevated sales and allieviation of the doom cloud right before E3. Everyone knows that all eyes are on Nintendo and short of Microsoft buying Nintendo nothing can steal the show from them. Nintendo will either have an amazing show or pull an Xbone and embarass themselves. I believe they'll deliver because if they don't, Nintendo is dead, period.

So tell me, which system currently has a lineup for 2014 that stacks up that well, and what is that lineup?


As for third parties, they will go anywhere and everywhere there is money to be made, that includes the Wii U if it proves it can maintain sales. Not every new game is some sort of graphical powerhouse that's far too advanced for Wii U to handle. It's the first volley after release, yes most games are going to be in a graphical dick waving contest and try to focus on power and realism.Once more stylized games begin to come out the Wii U hardware will be less of a hindrance to third party releases.

3rd partis are never going to support wiiu they are never coming back they know its pointless we all do we all seen the sayings here peopel buy ninty consoles for ninty games while 3rd parties suck.   Fact is 3rd party games dont sale well on nintendo consoels, even wiis user base did not change that.  Truth is even if wiiu magically did sales that they would bring back support it be 3 years before we see any of it.  Thus its never coming this gen, once its lost its gone for the gen.  ninty does not know how to woo them like ms or sony do.  Fact is nintendo lost 3rd party support for this gen, nothing will change that now.  Except maybe paying them to release games on their system. 

Hell of a lot easier to turn a product around when you are facing weak competition then when you are facing the PS4 that sales it self.  get it ? ninty ruels handhelds while in console they been on the reciving end of beat downs more often then not.  Console are more expensive games cost more and take longer to make, very little of what happend in their handhelds translates to consoles.

Bayonetta 2, X, Hyrule Warriors, and Smash.  Really this is it, this is your wiiu to challange PS4 line up, this is supposed to do better then Mario Mario Donky Pikmin Kart fared already, you are doing nothing then blindly hoping for a impossible miracle there bud.  None care about B2 X could be awesome yet end up likely as the commercial flop xenoblade was Hyrule is an unknown and any chance Smash could have been major was ruined by ninty them selfs by deciding to release the 3ds version months earlier. 

Madden, The Crew, DriveCLub, Destiny, Dragons Age, Evolve, Shadowns of Mordor, CO freakin D, Assasins Unity, Lords of the Fallen, FrCry4, Battlefield

Also UFC NHL FIFA NBA Golf WWE Singstar EvilWithIn AlienISo

If it floats your boat keep dreaming sales wise wiius line up will out sale that, but  im sure most on here no matter how big ninty supporters are realistic nuf to know that will massivle help PS4 out sale wiiu.