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Ka-pi96 said:
Soundwave said:

The Wii U online is what it is, it's not a technical issue ... the fact is Nintendo is a KIDS FIRST company, I know it's hard for a lot of people to accept that, but it's the truth. They will never embrace online the way Sony/MS do because there are too many problematic issues with kids being targeted by sickos on a kid-centric service. It has nothing to do with their hardware. 

Their brand rep is akin to the Walt Disney of gaming and they're not going to tarnish that with all the pitfalls that can come with online services so they keep it to a minimum. 

It's not just playing games online though, the whole OS should be better. There are plenty of things that Xbox/PS can do but Nintendo can't that shouldn't really have any kid related problems. For example their online store could easily be improved with more games, downloads on multiple consoles using one account, pre download of games etc.

They could but since online isn't priority for them as it doesn't really vibe with their family friendly image, then they're obviously not going to invest a ton of money into making the online that great. And really who's to say that Nintendo doesn't quite enjoy making you pay double to play VC games on both the 3DS and Wii U? 

The real reason I think they also hold back from too many VC games is not a technical issue at all ... they want people paying full price for their new games, not getting full off lower priced old games.