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I think it's still far to early in the gen to make any definitive statements. On either side of the fence.

Especially after only seeing one week's worth of MK8 boosts, or how quickly it drops off, or doesn't (personally I'm predicting that this week's Wii U sales will be higher than last week's by a few thousand).

Especially the week BEFORE E3. For all we know every single one of Nintendo's big hitters could be out in the next 6 months, or they could all be delayed to 2016. Microsoft could have bought every single exclusive game under the sun, or they could be planning on spending an hour and a half talking about sports and TV (again).

With that note of caution stated, however, I think the Wii U is going to stay ahead of the Xbox One at least until Christmas now. And probably throughout next year as well.

At this point in time, the Xbox One simply doesn't outsell the Wii U on a weekly basis by a big enough margin to close that gap any time sooner.

Now I could be wrong; Nintendo might flunk E3, the MK8 bump might already be over and the X1 price cut might turn it into a juggernaut. But based on current trends, Nintendo looks to be in 2nd place for the foreseeable future.