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HyrulianScrolls said:
CGI-Quality said:
HyrulianScrolls said:
Simply amazing the wii u was able to come so close to beating ps4 this week when Wii U's sales have been so anemic and PS4's so strong this whole year. I can definitely see MK8 sustaining Wii U through summer, and I wouldn't be surprised if Wii U starts beating PS4 some upcoming weeks.

System sellers don't generally increase hardware units beyond that of their initial release week. This will keep the WiiU higher than previous weeks, perhaps until the end of the month, but not enough to top PS4 any week this month nor enough to sustain similar strength throughout the Summer. Just doesn't work like that.

Um if that were true they wouldn't qualify as a "system seller." Rather just a game that had a big week and then dropped off.

There are actually very, very few games that do that. A game that causes a sizable 1-2 week boost and a decent gain in hardware baseline for a month or more is a system seller. What you are talking about is a generational type of game, like a Brain Training on the DS or Wii Sports for the Wii or Call of Duty 4 for the 360/PS3 .. something that drives hardware sales for like a year plus, but those are extremely rare, and even in those cases a lot of people forget those games have a fair deal of help from other big games.