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On a side note, my Wii has differentiated itself in my household, as a great machine and a plausible alternative in single play, to my PS2.

On the other hand, my PS3 is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY shittier than my PS2, and if I had to choose one, I'd throw the PS3 in the river at this point, because its got no good games.

I didn't buy a damn PS3 to play FPS and western games on it, ffs, and I got what, Uncharted, Orange Box, Rachet and Clank. Come on man, you guys give the PS3 way too much credit, its got nothing till its big games hit, I own one, I freakin' know what its like.

The only thing that saves the PS3 for me is Guitar Hero 3's availability on the system, at I actually bought that for the Wii early on, but I do give it props for at least having a game that someone could enjoy for a really long time without having to resort to online play, even if it is a multiplat.

I NEED Disgaea 3, Final Fantasy XIII or ANY JRPG ffs, Metal Gear, come on. Those 3 games are all I need for this gen to be ok for the PS3 by me, but until I get those, this black fuzz bucket is not worthy to the PS2 name, imo. Speak against that, if you can.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.