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padib said:
Soundwave said:
If there ever is another traditional Nintendo console (which I'm starting to doubt, they probably go the hybrid route) ... it's time for Nintendo to ditch the idea of making consoles designed for Japanese tastes first and foremost.

They have to make a console for the Western audience 1st and foremost from here on out, like Sony did with the PS4, if they want to even compete any more.

I'm not sure what about the U was intentded for a Japanese audience first and foremost. Is it the Nintendo games?

These have historically sold well globally since Nintendo made games.

The obsession on making the console so small for one is certainly a very Japan centric design choice. Read the Iwata Asks on the Wii U hardware, practically all their work on the console itself was making it that small and consume low electricity (another big Japanese issue since their earthquake in 2011). 

From now on, if they want to be relevant in the console business, they have to accept that the Western audience is the only one that buys home consoles anymore, and they can't compete if they're making these weird design choices while Sony/MS just make straight forward consoles aimed at the Western consumer. 

They need to swallow their pride too and admit they need more Western developer support.