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There are still GameCube games that I haven't gotten a chance to pick up yet. Hell, there are still N64 games that I'd like to try out. Lack of time and lack of money makes me focus on only getting the best stuff. Yes, there are good qualities to Sony and Microsoft's boxes, but Nintendo's stuff is always just *better* overall.

Do I shop at Publix or Win-Dixie? Well, Win-Dixie has cheaper produce, and I like their deli section better, but Publix is cheaper overall, their generic brand stuff is actually as good or better than name-branded stuff a surprising amount of time, and they've got better service. Do I go shopping twice to make sure I get the cheaper produce, as well as all of the plusses from Publix? No, I just stick with the supermarket that, as a whole, is better. So I miss out on Halo or Final Fantasy. I'm happier with Metroid Prime and Baten Kaitos.
