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Dragon Age: Inquisition – New In-Engine Screenshots Unveiled


Electronic Arts and Bioware have released a new set of screenshots for their upcoming RPG, Dragon Age: Inquisition. These new images show The Fade and Therinfal Redoubt environments that players will be able to explore. Dragon Age: Inquisition is planned for an October 7th release. Enjoy! Continue reading


Loading Human – “Behind the Story, Another Story” Video

Untold Games has released a new video feature that details the real world science that has been used in the creation of the high concept storyline for Loading Human, the virtual reality adventure game powered by groundbreaking controls and set in a thrilling sci-fi world. Loading Human will be powered by Unreal Engine 4, and will support Oculus Rift on the PC and Project Morpheus on PS4. Enjoy! Continue reading


World of Speed – Slightly Mad Studios’ Free Racer – Gets New Glorious Screenshots & Trailer and Slightly Mad Studios have released a new batch of screenshots and trailer for their upcoming free racer, World of Speed. World of Speed looks amazing for a free game, and this new trailer also shows – perhaps for the first time – some weather raining effects. Enjoy! Continue reading


Warmer War: Company Of Heroes 2 – Western Front Armies

By Adam Smith on June 2nd, 2014 at 11:00 am.

I spent most of the weekend playing Wolfenstein: The New Sequel, which left me anticipating a robotic dog assault for the first thirty seconds of the Oberkommando trailer for Company of Heroes 2 multiplayer expandalone The Western Front Armies. I’m half-convinced that there’s a zombie-robot soldier actually called the Oberkommando in Wolfenstein. Of course, Company of Heroes 2 has a more serious warface than Wolfenstein, even if the two trailers below (one for the US, one for the Oberkommando) do look like they’ve been plucked from a high octane shooter rather than an RTS.

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Cretaceous Bodacious: The Stomping Land On Early Access

By Alice O'Connor on June 2nd, 2014 at 2:00 pm.

I’ve never really taken to survival games because, in all honesty, I’d probably choose not to survive in their doomed worlds. Were I to play DayZ, I imagine I’d scavenge a book and a bottle of alcohol disinfectant then enjoy both on a beach before taking a nice long swim in the cold sea. However, a dinosaur world where tribes fight each other atop dinosaurs for the opportunity to eat bigger dinosaurs, that’s a world with purpose.

Open-world dino survival The Stomping Land is now on Steam Early Access, offering that fantasy for £18.99.

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Mighty No. 9 is looking solid but uninspired (and very blue)

Tom Sykes at 01:40 on 01 June 2014

The first proper bout of footage for Keiji Inafune's Mighty No. 9 shows that, yes, it looks a lot like a certain Capcom series, but let's put the obvious comparisons to Dino Crisis aside for a moment and focus on the Mega Man creator's latest game. After a wildly successful Kickstarter last year - people really like to put their money behind familiar concepts, huh? - we've been afforded our first non-prototypey glimpse of the platformer in action, and while it's a video that holds few surprises, Mighty No. 9 does look like the sort of safe, largely unambitious game I might enjoy on a rainy day.

Unreal Tournament 3 update removes Gamespy, adds Epic's own server bank

Phil Savage at 22:53 on 02 June 2014

Gamespy is dead. Sort of. A quick check will reveal that, at present, some of the games yet to hack-off the necrotic multiplayer matchmaker are still functional, albeit likely on borrowed time. Luckily, that list is ever-decreasing. Epic have released a new patch for Unreal Tournament 3, removing the lesser-loved sequel's Gamespy dependency in favour of the developer's own server bank.

Dota 2 International prize pool passes $8 million thanks to immortal items


The community funded prize pool for this year’s Dota 2 International shows no signs of slowing down: surpassing $8 million dollars. With it unlocked a new stretch goal in which compendium owners can vote for which hero they would like to see a model update for. The achievement was attained after an incredible $1 million dollars was raised in just one day alone, following the release of brand new immortal items.

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Avert your eyes: EVE Online is getting new solar flares in Kronos patch


EVE Online’s Kronos update is due to land tomorrow, and CCP have released the patch notes to go with it. Notable additions include a new line of Mordu’s Legion ships (pictured above), solar flare effects, new audio customisation effects and many quality of life changes.

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Dwarf Fortress update coming after two years of tinkering


Dwarf Fortress is getting its first update in more than two years, promising various tweaks and additions. While the contents are still not entirely known, a community made changelog has been created to give people a rough idea on what to expect.

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Homefront: The Revolution revealed: Philadelphia in Crysis


It may say Homefront on the box, but it feels like Crysis. Not just any Crysis game: the Crysis game we’ve been waiting to play since Crysis 1: an open world free-roaming shooter set in a dystopian version of Philadelphia, four years into the North Korean occupation of the USA.

It’s excellent.

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