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"Which is a lack of freedom of speech.
I am gay, but if somebody wants to
call me a faggot and tell me my
sexuality is wrong/sinful, they have
every right to do so. Freedom of
speech doesn't mean we can only
say nice things, it means EVERYBODY
has a right to say ANYTHING. This is
something that actually really bugs

No, you have a fundamental ignorance of what freedom of speech is.

It doesnt mean "anyone can say whatever they want, everywhere," it means you dont jave to fear being locked up ny the hovernment for what you say in a public environment. Plus , that whole "first amemdment" thing is specifically a US constitution thing.

This is a private website and the second you pressed "Register" you agreed to the site's rules.

More often than not, people bring up free speech when they want to continue saying something dumb anyways.