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BMaker11 said:
vivster said:
Keeping their games from being enjoyed by both fan bases is a strange way to show love for them.

They are an independent developer. As a Sony fan, I can't get mad at them for developing a game for Xbox when MS is the one fronting the bill. Sunset Overdrive wouldn't exist without MS, just like Spyro, Ratchet, and Resistance wouldn't exist without Sony. It'd be different if they were an internal studio for some 3rd party publisher and then all of a sudden "switched sides". But they're independent. Sony's just been the one throwing their money at them all this time, so most think they are a "Sony studio".

I can understand them, however, wanting to branch out so that they can own the material they make, instead of Sony owning everything they've done. If the latter had been the relationship from the jump, maybe we'd still get a Spyro game every so often that didn't suck complete balls

Don't you think it's weird that a studio with such a long history and success is still dependent on using console manufacturers as their sugar daddies? Are their games so bad that the only people who would fund them are the ones that are just out to get exclusives for their console?

Something must be horribly wrong in this industry.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.