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bigjon said:

I have been noticing a pattern of Eurogamer dragging down Wii scores on Gamerankings so I did some research. And it is very true, Eurogamer almost aways has one of THE lowest reviews for any Wii game. They need to cut it out... Some of these reviews dont even make any sense... 7/10 for RE4? 5/10 for RRR2? 6/10 for EO? They are really ridiculous.

Other reviewesr that I have seen that give really bad score for some games, you know the kind that make you go WTF!!, usually give higher for some others. Not Eurogamer....

RE4- 7/10 (lowest review on Gamerankings)

MKWii- 8/10 (again lowest so far on GR)

Z&W- 8/10 (bottom 20% of scores)

Super Paper Mario- 8/10 (again one of the lowest scores)

NMH 8/10 (below the average, not as bad as the other were)

TP- 9/10 (great score, but again one of the lowest.... besides gamespot and some other unknown sites)

Wario Ware - 7/10 (5th lowest out of 63 reviews)

Bully 8/10 (15th out of 20 reviews)

Endless Ocean 6/10 (only 2 reveiws out of 35 were worse)

Ghost Squad 6/10 (40+ reviews this is one of the lowest)

RRR2 5/10 (terribly low score, out of 36 only one was lower)

RE:UC 7/10 (again right near the bottom)

RRR- 7/10 (much lower than the average score)

Monkey Ball- 6/10 (right near the bottom out of 60 reviews)

Exceptions.. SMG(they gave it a 10) MP3(a 9) and the trauma center series... those were the only 4 games they were actually higher than the average












 Those aren't that absurd scores...