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I said this in another thread: I don't care for Destiny. Not because it "looks boring", not because "I don't like Bungie". I don't care for it (at least, enough to get super hyped about it) because we've been oversaturated with FPS since 2007. Each map could be as big as Halo's whole world (or so Bungie claims), it could add some fun strategic elements that make multiplayer less one-dimensional, but at the end of the day, after playing so many of them, it's "just another FPS" to me.

Will I get it? Maybe. Some of my friends are looking forward to it, so it'd be fun to play with them, and maybe through that, it'll hook me in. But right now? It's just another game that'll be on the shelf this fall, to me.

Also, please don't let "pretend exclusive" catch on. The concept is full retard and was only made (by an MS fan) to disparage 3rd party games that Sony has marketing deals with, what I'm assuming is, explicitly because Sony is in the lead right now (I called it damage control, I believe), to make it seem like they're "tricking" people in order to get ahead. MS had it with GTA, CoD, and many other games last gen, but a bunch of criteria was made for this gen to make it seem like only Sony was "guilty" of "pretending to have exclusives". Only after complaints of hypocrisy was it capitulated that Titanfall and CoD fall under the same criteria for Xbox (because in the original thread, they didn't count at first).