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I've always been a sega/sony person. I've owned every major sega console after the genesis, and I've owned every major sony console until the PS3.

Now that sega is gone, it's just me and sony these days. And, whatever sega action I can get, in the form of Virtua Fighter V: Final Showdown, and Sonic CD.

I don't like any of the new sonic titles, and I own all the sonic games on genesis.

But, I grew up with those two.

I don't like microsoft's policies, even though they've changed, I don't like the xbox's D-Pad, it's no good for fighting games. Then, there were things like RRoD, and etc.

I've had my PS3 since 2008, and it's been great. So far, it's the only console I ever had that didn't need to be replaced at some point.

As far as nintendo goes, I've not been interested in part, due to the odd-shaped controllers they've been making since the N64. The other thing is that I've been interested in no games from any nintendo console, ever.

Slightly interested in SSB, only because of megaman, and slightly interested in sonic lost world, because it reminds me of the canceled game that never came to sega saturn.

Who knows, maybe I'll get a Wii-U at some point. But, I must get PS4 first.