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This gen is by far the best I think. As a long time Sony gamer (haven't looked back since the PS1), this generation is tits and beyond :) The consoles have insane amounts of flexibility and purpose.

Online gaming is becoming mainstream for consoles, the ability to pick up my controller and play with any person around the world is just cool ^^

The graphics are just insane! I'm seeing creative freedom that I wouldn't imagine possible. You can take one look at the lush environments in Crysis or Uncharted and just feel so connected to the digital world. And on the other end of the spectrum, you have games like Ratchet and Clank futures which can just put you at the edge of total creative freedom as far as graphics are concerned and really makes you wonder if it gets any better.

For us audio fans :D 5.1 and 7.1 uncompressed greatness is FANTASTIC. Playing games like bioshock or condemned get COMPLETELY overhauled thanks to the fantastic surround sound. Not just those two in fact, shooters, action games, hell almost every genre benefits from fantastic sound. This generation is EPIC!

Casual Gaming not only for casuals now. A strange boat I'd find myself in for the previous generations is that I enjoy playing casual games, but I just can't bring myself to purchase them at full price (I love you to death melee but thank god someone else bought you :x ). With additions like PSN, XBL, and Wiiware, I can get my casual fix (pain, everyday shooter, superstardust, PJM etc etc) for a fraction of what I'd pay for a "fully fleshed out title." It's been absolutely amazing that I can get my fix on something that doesn't require me to dedicate my time to justify a purchase. Casual gaming has never been so great for me :)

This generation is just getting started and I'm already head over heels in love ^^ I'm so much more compelled to pick up so many different games, and the functionality is just un-comparable :) My $500 purchase has done more for me than any other entertainment device I think I've ever picked up ^^ and they just keep making the damn thing better!

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