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PigPen said:
Mike_L said:
I think that free internet connection and full backward compatibility are great features that Nintendo should advertise.

I've enjoyed 7 years of free multiplayer on PS3 and the only reason I'm ok with paying for PS+ on PS4 is that I already became a member back in 2012 when Red Dead Redemption, Borderlands, Just Cause 2, Saints Row 2, Dead Space 2, etc. was added to the instant game collection.

I'm happy that you're happy about those games.  The most is meh at best, but of course that's my own opinion.

You are entitles to your opinion and that is great, but for everyone like you who thinks "meh", you have me, who paid $30 for Batman Arkham City and paid $60 for Borderlands 2, only to sell them to fund my PS4 purchase and then get them back thanks to PSN+.

Now I have tmy PS4 + Borderlands 2 and Batman on my PS3. Oh yeah, that same sub got me tons of free PS4 titles and plenty of Vita games.


Nintendo Network for $0 doesn't even compare. It really doesn't.

It doesn't even compare to PSN on PS3 thanks to the greater 3rd party support it gets.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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