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curl-6 said:


Anyone who says they can tell a one frame difference at 59-60fps is a Jedi or a liar.

Not to mention most "60fps" games have drops into the 30-50fps range. (Ps3/360 COD)

Not true... when something runs buttery smooth 60fps (actually 59.94) and then misses 1 frame periodically every second you can notice that mild jank.

It is very odd... because 59 vs 60 is below a 2% difference.  As this is happening consistently, it is likely not a performance limitation, but a bug.  I hope that Nintendo could realize and address it, unless it's actually a hardware timing issue.  Whatever frame timer they are using is either slightly too slow or slightly too fast.  Has anything like this been reported for other Wii U games?

My 8th gen collection