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outlawauron said:
tbone51 said:

Thats not fair at all, just cuz 1 f*** up doesn't mean everybody has to keep a grudge on one thing, beside Pokemon Conquest is really good. Imo the best spin off of tne franchise (pokemon snap lovers dont attack me :P)

As for Hyrule Warriors, there might be a huge differences compared to the DW games (im not tlking cuz this is Zelda on it), they are doing things that might of not happened before. The news over the past week suggest that this game might literally take a different path frm the standard DW franchise.

I mean Nintendo is helping them out and it might be Canon.

When it was first revealed, people just saw it as DW painted with LoZ, but after this week its convincing many gamers to keep an eye out for the game. :)

Oh, I still thought Other M was fun. That just had direct Nintendo involvement, so I was just pointing out that their involvement doesn't ensure it'll be a critical hit.

Do we actually know anything that leads us to believe this isn't the case? DW games have a ton of story in them, cutscenes and all. 

True that, other M was fun but over 50% of the gamers hated it (most likely it didn't stay true to its name and it didn't).

Im basing my opinions on alot of others included thoughts of reviewers and alot of them are now interested in the game which wasnt really the case in Dec. 

Your right in that sense as we dont kno 100% just yet but with the head of LoZ collaborating with Tecmo/Team Ninja we might be able to expect big things. All i was trying to point out was that there's a chance it might follow through very well. Pics have shown some cool ideas that might make it based on a regular LoZ game. But of course it can just be cosmetic.

All i kno is this game was not getting nowhere as much attention in Dec then it is now!