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The Witcher 1 and 2, Morrowind, Fallout 1 and 2, Silent Hill 2, Half-Life 1 and 2, Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, Icewind Dale 1 and 2, Resident Evil 2, GTA III, Vice City and San Andreas, VTM: Bloodlines, Bioshock, Thief series, Deus Ex 1 and 3, Metro 2033, Dead Island, Borderlands 1 and 2, The Banner Saga.

There are more as well but these are the ones who pop into my head first. Especially the last one; The Banner Saga, caught me off guard with its stunning visuals, music and atmosphere as well as a truly developed system for actual consequences of decisions and a completely gray moral sheet without the typical paragon or nemesis paths.